Bugfixes in distSpace method
Update of references in documentation
Change of maintainer.
Change of cutoff in outlyingness, adjOutl and dirOutl
Change of compiler flags (removed C flags)
BUGFIX: Componentwise option of Directional Outlylingness fixed
Feature: Weighted sd implemented in FOM
MISC: Cleanup of C++ code for Directional Outlyingness
Feature: Added functional data examples of MFOD / MFC paper: characterA, characterI, mri, plane, tables, wine
MISC: Documentation of random number generator for normal distribution used by FORTRAN code.
BUGFIX: Changed internal call compiler:::cmpfun to compiler::cmpfun as requested by CRAN.
BUGFIX: Bugfix for Solaris as requested by CRAN. -> Fixing "dirOutl.h:85:55: error""
BUGFIX: Bugfix for Windows and Solaris as requested by CRAN. -> Makevars.win file
BUGFIX: Corrections of typos in manuals
FEATURE: DO or directional outlyingness now available dirOutl, dprojdepth, dprojmedian
FEATURE: functional measures now also have option for directional outlyingness. fOutl, mfd, mfdmedian
BUGFIX: Call to warning updated in various functions, per new R call
FEATURE: Added funtional depth functions: mfd, mfdmedian
FEATURE: Added funtional outlyingness function: fOutl
FEATURE: Added function distSpace
FEATURE: Added the graphical tool FOM
FEATURE: depthContour now also available for p = 1
DOCUMENTATION: Various improvements to several help files
DATA: Added the glass data set
BUGFIX: Changed name of adjOutlyingness to adjOutl to avoid conflict with the robustbase package.
BUGFIX: Proper checking of scale for univariate bagdistance added
BUGFIX: Register native routines and disabled symbol search to fix warnings in R-devel
FEATURE: Added regression depth functions: rdepth, rdepthmedian and cmltest.
BUGFIX: Fix uninitialized use of variable in HalfSpaceDepthContour2D.f to avoid warnings on fedora (as requested by CRAN).
Release on CRAN.